Family and Couple Therapy Services, Inc., located in Forest Hill, MD, is looking for therapists and/or counselors with the educational background to serve individuals and families in northern Maryland and southern Pennsylvania area. Our client base is expanding and we’re looking for more counselors to meet the need. We work with highly diverse populations including children, teens, individuals, couples, families, and the elderly. Our goal is to provide the community with solid therapists and counselors with professional credentials.
We provide office space, administrative support, a steady stream of clients, and a strong referral base – you provide professional and caring counseling to help those in need.
We are looking for the following professional credentials in the state of Maryland:
LGMFT/LCMFT – Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist
LGPC/LCPC – Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
The hours are completely flexible and determined by the counselor (both full-time and part-time openings are available) and the compensation is highly competitive.
If you are interested in applying or would like more information, please contact Nic Cox at:
familyandcoupletherapyservices@gmail.com or at 410-838-2493.